
Azusa Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the beautification of Azusa.

Our organization rallies volunteers to plant trees, perform community clean-ups and beautification projects.

Student volunteers help plant flowers and white iceberg rose bushes in front of Azusa’s City Hall.

Our goal is to continue the great work that the entire Azusa City Council is doing to to keep our city beautiful.  By creating a clean, safe and healthy Azusa, we will ensure our community continues to prosper. 

Azusa Beautiful is a 501 c(3) nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to promote a clean, safe and healthy Azusa.  We rely on volunteers to help make Azusa Beautiful a success. 

Azusa Beautiful will be an organization that all Azusans will be proud to be a part of.  Together we will make Azusa a safe, clean and healthy environment for everyone.

    Contact Us • 626.224.0778

    What We Do

    Azusa Beautiful volunteers at our Seal Beach Clean-up event. Azusa is one of the many cities whose storm drain system terminates in Seal Beach.  Along with storm water run off, any trash that is in the system will be washed down to the beach.  Also our bike path ends in Seal Beach.

    About Us

    Azusa Beautiful is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting a clean, green, safe and vibrant Azusa.  A group of volunteers founded the organization to continue with tree plantings, community clean-ups and street cleaning projects. 

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